iTovi Scanner
The iTovi Scanner combines galvanic skin response and Bluetooth technologies to generate personalized product evaluations. The small handheld device uses two points of contact for passing small electrical currents through the skin to measure the body’s resistance. The passing currents then induce a measurable response from the body. The iTovi Scanner uses proprietary algorithm, organizing the data from the body’s responses and compiles that information into an individualized report.

What to expect from the Wellness Lifestyle Assessment
The duration of the session can be between 20min-45minutes.
During this session you will complete a Wellness Lifestyle Assessment form. With this form you can identify health areas where you’re doing well and where you may need to make lifestyle changes to improve your overall health. The larger the gap between what the ideal is and where you scored should help you identify which areas of the Wellness Pyramid to prioritize.
You will also have the opportunity to do an iTovi scan and received an individualized report, which will include descriptions of the recommended products and common uses for each product.
You will also receive a copy of the Live magazine guide. You can use this guide to discover the powerful benefits of essential oils and create a wellness plan that sticks!