Essential Emotions Breakthrough Sessions
Real change and breakthrough are possible for yourself as you Process, Release, and Live Free!
What Can You Expect From a Session?
A typical Essential Emotions Breakthrough Coaching session takes place in a quiet, private setting, and the conversations between Coach and client are kept private and confidential. A breakthrough session can last up to an hour or more. It can be integrated with other therapies to facilitate powerful changes. We integrated the breakthrough worksheet into the session.
The breakthrough worksheet was created to help the individual actively participate in their coaching session, writing and speaking through their process.
A powerful, step-by-step guide that can bring awareness and clarity.
During a Coaching Session:
We will discover the core issue you’d like to work on and identify which essential oils to partner with. We will use simple techniques like visualization and declaration statements to release heavy emotions and invite positive ones. We know that essential oils positively affect the neurochemistry of the brain, so we use them during this process to greatly improve the overall Effect. You are invited to trust this process and see what unfolds for you.

The coaching process provides a structure that facilitates emotional and belief breakthroughs with the Essential Emotions tools. Both client and coach agree that the coaching relationship will be designed together. Coaching is for individuals who are relatively emotionally and psychologically healthy and who want to make changes and move forward in their lives. Coaching is not advice, therapy, or counseling.
How Can An Essential Emotions Breakthrough Coaching Session Help?
- Awareness
- Clarity
- Process
- Release