The Menu
The Lemon
I am focused, capable & committed.
The delightful citrusy aroma of
Lemon engages the
mind and aids in concentration.
The Grapefruit
I Celebrate my body as a Divine gift
Grapefruit encourages integrity
by respecting one's
physical needs.
The Lavender
I clearly express my innermost thoughts & feelings.
Lavender encourages emotional
honesty and insists that
individuals speak their innermost thoughts and feelings,
to share their True Self
with others.
The Ginger
I am capable of creating the life of my dreams.
Ginger empowers individuals in taking
complete responsibility for their
life circumstances, it infuses a warrior-like
mentality based on integrity, personal responsibility,
and individual choice.
The Peppermint
Joy lifts me over the storms of life.
Peppermint brings joy and buoyancy to
the heart and soul. It invigorates
body, mind, and spirit, and reminds
individuals that life can be happy.
The Spearmint
I speak with clarity and confidence.
Spearmint inspires clarity of thought and
confident verbal expression.
The Cinnamon
I trust my body's healthy sexual expression.
Cinnamon can nurture strong relationships
based on mutual love and respect.
It warms and bolsters feeling safe, protected,
and secure enough to choose humility
and risk being truly known.
The Lemon
I am focused, capable
& committed.
The delightful citrusy aroma of
Lemon engages the
mind and aids in concentration.
The Grapefruit
I Celebrate my body as
a Divine gift
Grapefruit encourages integrity
by respecting one's
physical needs.
The Lavender
I clearly express my
innermost thoughts &
Lavender encourages
emotional honesty
and insists that
individuals speak their
innermost thoughts and
feelings, to share their
True Self with others.
The Ginger
I am capable of creating
the life of my dreams.
Ginger empowers individuals in
taking complete responsibility
for their life circumstances, it
infuses a warrior-likementality
based on integrity, personal
responsibility, and
individual choice.
The Peppermint
Joy lifts me over
the storms of life.
Peppermint brings joy and
buoyancy to the heart and soul.
It invigorates body, mind,
and spirit, and reminds
individuals that life
can be happy.
The Spearmint
I speak with clarity
and confidence.
Spearmint inspires clarity
of thought and confident
verbal expression.
The Cinnamon
I trust my body's
healthy sexual expression.
Cinnamon can nurture
strong relationships
based on mutual
love and respect.
It warms and
bolsters feeling safe,
protected, and secure
enough to choose humility
and risk being
truly known.
"Within the essence of essential oils, lies the ancient wisdom of plants, speaking to our senses, guiding us on a journey of healing and balance."
Take a break, enjoy a cup a tea and connect with your inner wisdom, your journey for self-awareness begins here.”
Michelle Zamora